Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

cara merawat motor

ini tips sebenarnya bukan hal yang baru. banyak para bikers yang sudah menerapkan tip ini, tapi tidak salah kan bila di review buat tambahan informasi.
langsung aja hidrolik yang biasanya dipakai adalah hidrolik bekas dari pintu mobil. kebanyakan orang memasang hidrolik di jok motor dengan melintang, sehingga membuat bukaan jok tidak maksimal dan menggangu petugas spbu buat mengisi bensin

tapi ada cara lain yang membuat bukaan jok lebih maksimal dan tidak menggangu ketika pengisian bensin. caranya adalah dengan menambahkan besi penopang hidrolik dan memasangnya melintang di atas tangki bensin.

cara masangnya gampang, tinggal datang ke tukang las dan buat dudukan di rangka belakang. bisa dibor atau langsung di las dengan menggunakan baut. ingat kedua bagian harus hidup atau jangan di las mati.

yang bagian depan dibuat di penahan jok, ini juga sama bisa dengan menggunakan baut yang dilas. tapi lebih baik dengan menggunakan plat besi.

setelah selesai tinggal dicoba. apakah mentok tidak dengan jok, atau posisi jok malah berat sebelah karena si hidrolik kejepit jok. coba ukur dengan presisi. baru bila smuanya ok tinggal pasang aksi ngisi bensin… buka kunci maka jok akan terangkat otomatis dengan sendirinya.

met mencoba..!!

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Saab Sport Sedan Concept Black

Youngho Jong is a Korean design student, he taken Saab to looking towards future as sport sedan for 2025 Advanced Warning System Vehicle concept: a rakish, four-door saloon with coupe-like styling. And no headroom, by the looks of it, but that’s a forgivable oversight. More interesting to us, however, is how he used his knowledge of nature and human psychology to come up with a vehicle that isn’t just smart, it’s downright sinister.

With his research showing that 50% of vehicles accidents are caused by carelessness, excessive speed and tailgating, Jong wanted to create a car that would warn other drivers to back off and drive with care.

Saab Sport Sedan Concept Black
Saab Sport Sedan Concept Black

There are following the 2025 concept, slits open up in its rear panels revealing amber hazard lights, patches of the car’s skin also darken. The same amber slips are found on the front and sides of the vehicle. Jong took his inspiration from nature’s Fire Salamander, which uses its bright, menacing colours to ward off potential predators.

Jong also mentions that the Saab Sport Sedan Concept Study’s skin is constructed of a soft, impact absorbing material that reduces pedestrian injuries and vehicle damage in collisions. He incorporate sharp edges and the colours red and yellow to further emphasises the possible danger.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Mx

Yamaha Jupiter MX adalah salah satu tipe bebek sport yang hadir di Indonesia. Tampangnya yang sporty dan mesin 135 cc yang memakai pendingin air (radiator) dan juga kopling menjadikan salah satu tipe motor bebek yang paling laku saat ini.

Tampangnya yang sporty masih bisa dirubah atau dimodifikasi agar tampil lebih sporty saya ambil beberapa foto dari beberapa website tentang modifikasi Jupiter Mx

dengan penambahan sayap disisi dan bawah mesin menjadikan jupiter mx lebih sporty terlebih dipasangkan lampu jupiter z ke bagian depan dan tanpa lampu atas.

Mungkin masih banyak lagi modifiakasi motor jupiter mx ini karena bentuknya yang sporty

Tips Mudah Perawatan Mesin Motor

Tips ini saya berikan bukan untuk meniadakan/ menggantikan perawatan rutin yang sudah biasa anda lakukan terhadap motor anda. Akan tetapi kalau hal ini dilakukan sebenarnya perawatan rutin tersebut bisa di mundurkan/ jadwal ulang. Tips ini telah saya praktekkan bertahun tahun khususnya ke mesin motor saya dan hasilnya memang memuaskan (dan ini juga mungkin dapat anda lakukan pada mesin mobil anda). Yang utama dan perlu diperhatikan dalam perawatan terhadap mesin motor anda ada 2 hal:

1. Bensin/ bahan bakar. Saran saya JANGAN PERNAH BELI BENSIN OPLOSAN. Belilah bahan bakar untuk motor anda di SPBU resmi. Kalau memang emergency sekali maka itu tidak apa2 (asal jangan emergency terus2an ya :D ). Segera buang (di-drain) dan diganti begitu kita telah mendapatkan/ membeli bensin dari SPBU resmi. Bensin Oplosan biasanya sudah turun nilai oktannya karena telah dicampur dengan unsur lain (biasanya minyak tanah). Kalau nilai oktan sudah turun mengakibatkan pembakaran jadi tidak sempurna dan meninggalkan kerak di kepala silinder dari mesin motor/ mobil anda. Apabila telah terbentuk kerak maka akan menyebabkan mesin anda menurun performanya. Kalau dipakai terus menerus biasanya mesin akan menggelitik dan bergetar. Ada baiknya anda membaca manual yang menyertai motor anda. Disitu biasanya diterangkan bahan bakar dengan nilai oktan berapa yang bagus/ optimal untuk mesin motor anda.

2. Oli. Ini merupakan komponen terpenting ke-dua yang mesti diperhatikan. Fungsi oli itu kurang lebih adalah sebagai cleaning, cooling, cushioning, and lubrication. Disini saya tidak akan membahas fungsi2 itu secara detail. Rekomendasi dari pabrik untuk penggantian oli mesin adalah sekitar 2000 sampai dengan 2500 km (besaran bervariasi tergantung merk motor). Kalau berdasarkan pengalaman dan yang telah saya praktekkan, maka saya melaksanakan penggantian oli mesin setiap 1200 s.d. 1700 km. Walah… bukannya kalau kaya gitu jauh lebih boros? Weits ntar dulu…kenapa? Karena jakarta atau kota2 besar lainnya terkenal dengan kemacetannya. Tidak hanya mobil tapi motor pun bisa mengalaminya. Pada saat macet, mesin motor tetap berputar. Inilah alasan mengapa saya melakukan seperti tadi.

Apabila motor anda jarang digunakan, maka disarankan untuk mengganti oli per 3 bulan (istilahnya kena calendar time). Kenapa juga sih per 3 bulan? Karena kalau oli tersebut sudah di pergunakan untuk melumasi mesin, biasanya sedikit bersifat asam/ acid. Asam itu apabila terkena metal dan bereaksi dapat menyebabkan korosi. Ini juga dapat merusak mesin. Oleh karena itu ganti oli anda per 3 bulan apabila kilometernya tidak mencapai 1200 atau 1700. sebagai contoh nyata dengan perlakuan ini umur plat kopling basah (seperti motor bebek) dapat lebih dari 5 – 6 tahun (rata2 umurnya antara 3 sampai 4 tahun; harganya sekitar 300 – 500 ribu rupiah).

Trus oli apa sih yang sebaiknya di pakai? Kalau untuk yang ini sebaiknya anda bereferensi kepada manual dari pabrik. Jangan pernah di turunkan misalnya dari 20W 50 ke 10W 40 karena itu akan mempengaruhi tingkat keausan dari komponen mesin yang berputar dan bergesekan, walaupun katanya dapat memperingan tarikan (mesin jadi enteng).

Cara mengganti oli yang benar adalah sebagai berikut: Panaskan mesin motor anda kurang lebih selama 5 menit. Setelah itu drain/ buang oli lama anda. Untuk memastikan oli lama sudah keluar semuanya, lakukan cranking/ putar mesin anda dengan menggunakan foot starter beberapa kali. Boleh menggunakan electric starter tapi dibatasi. Setelah itu masukkan oli baru. Yang perlu di perhatikan disini adalah pada saat kita akan membuka oli baru ada baiknya kita menggoyang-goyang kaleng oli atau botol oli tersebut (olinya di kocok2 terlebih dahulu). Kenapa? Karena biasanya di dalam oli itu ada lapisan tipis yang sering disebut dengan “film”. film atau lapisan tipis itu berguna sebagai pelindung mesin pada saat bergesekan. Kalau kita beli oli biasanya film yang ada di dalam oli itu pada ngumpul di bawah. Secara kasat mata film atau lapisan tipis itu tidak kelihatan. Dengan di kocok2 tadi film tersebut akan tercampur kembali dengan baik (ini saya ambil dari arahan untuk penggantian oli di pesawat terbang). Setelah itu barulah oli tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam mesin. Sebelum di start, ada baiknya pergunakan starter kaki beberapa kali untuk mensirkulasikan oli baru ke bagian2 mesin anda. Barulah setelah itu nyalakan mesin anda selama beberapa menit.

Oh iya hampir kelupaan. Tutup oli itu sebaiknya di kencangkan hanya dengan tangan. Tidak perlu mempergunakan alat seperti tang (biasanya kalau anda bawa motor anda untuk service rutin, mekaniknya akan melakukan hal tersebut; maksudnya tutup oli dikencangkan dengan tang, coba deh perhatikan). Kenapa? Karena pengecekan kuantitas oli itu sebenarnya masuk dalam pre-start check (check yang harus anda lakukan sebelum mesin dihidupkan). Jangan pernah start mesin motor anda tanpa ada oli.

Ini yang menurut saya hal2 paling penting yang harus diperhatikan dari mesin motor anda. Intinya hanya 2 yaitu bahan bakar dan Oli.

Bagaimana dengan yang lainnya? Untuk memperpanjang atau meningkatkan reliability dari komponen2 motor yang lainnya seperti rantai dan lain2 akan di bahas pada tulisan berikutnya. Dan ini tentunya dapat anda lakukan dengan mudah

cara merawat motor

Kalau motor sudah mulai rewel, paling nyebelin! apalagi bagi yang mau mudik naik motor. Jangan buru-buru menyalahkan motor Anda, bisa jadi Andalah yang kurang merawat motor. So tak ada salahnya mengintip tips merawat motor berikut!

Cek Kondisi Oli

Oli mesin ini sangat penting peranannya untuk melumas komponen-komponen mesin, seperti stang seher, seher, dan ring seher, kruk as dan noken as atau stang klep. Jika keberadaan minyak pelumas sudah berwarna kehitam-hitaman atau kelenturan daya lumasnya berkurang, maka sebaiknya diganti. Ganti oli secara berkala dan gunakan sesuai dengan rekomendasi pabrikan.

Cek Kondisi Aki

Jangan biarkan air accu melewati batas maksimum dan minimum yang akibatnya bisa mempercepat kerusakan pada sel-sel accu. Tambahkan aki pada pagi hari.

Jangan biarkan baterai atau accu yang sudah mulai melemah, segeralah menggantinya, bukan hal baik jika anda tetap memaksa menggunakannya. Jika tetap dipaksakan kedua kutub positif dan negatif akan mengeluarkan korosi (serbuk putih) yang akan menjalar ke bagian kabel-kabel utama yang menghubungkan arus listrik ke saluran lampu, dinamo, atau bagian-bagian lainnya.

Jika memang motor anda mengalami hal tersebut, arus listrik yang dihantarkan baterai atau accu tidak sempurna akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada komponen dinamo, kontak mesin maupun switch lampu. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan jika accu sudah lemah atau tidak mampu di starter dan distarter, jangan memaksa mendorong sepeda motor untuk menghidupkannya sebab hanya akan merusak gigi transmisi.

Periksa Rantai dan Gir

Jangan biarkan rantai terlalu kendor, atau terlalu kencang. Terlalu kendor bisa membuat rantai copot dari girnya, sementara terlalu kencang bisa mengakibatkan putus rantai. Cek juga kondisi gir, jika sudah tajam segera ganti karena jika tidak rantai bisa tiba-tiba putus. Bahaya kan, kalo lagi ngebut tiba-tiba putus rantai?

Periksa Kabel Koil dan Busi

Perhatikan keberadaan kabel koil yang menghubungkan arus listrik ke busi. Cepat ganti kabel yang kelihatannya sudah cukup umur dan banyak terlihat keretakan dan pengerasan pada kabel. Jangan lupa perhatikan keberadaan busi karena busi sangat vital untuk kelancaran sebuah mesin kendaraan.

Perhatikan Selang Bensin

Selang bensin ke karburator juga merupakanm komponen yang layak diperhatikan. Jangan membiarkan kondisi selang bensin mengeras atau terjadi retakan-retakan, karena bagian dalam selang bisa jadi sudah tidak elastis dan mengakibatkan serbuk kotoran yang berasal dari selang terbawa ke karburator. Pada akhirnya akan terjadi penyumbatan suplai bensin dari tanki ke karburator sehingga mengganggu sistem pembakaran.

Panaskan Mesin paling lama 2 Menit

Panaskan mesin sebelum motor dijalankan, tak perlu lama-lama cukup 1-2 menit agar sirkulasi oli bisa melumasi seluruh bagian dalam mesin yang bergerak. Jangan terlalu lama memanaskan karena akan membuat pipa knalpot menguning selain itu Anda pasti tak mau buang-buang bensin khan?.

Periksa tekanan angin ban

Jangan terlalu keras dan juga jangan kurang karena bisa berakibat kembang ban motor rusak.

Gunakan Selalu Sparepart Asli

Lebih baik mahal sedikit, tapi puas dan tahan lama daripada memakai yang tidak asli, meski murah tapi tapi daya tahan kurang.

So tidak sulit bukan, asal anda rajin merawat motor dengan benar pasti motor kesayangan Anda senatiasa tampil prima.

sumber : Kalau Bukan Sekarang, Kapan Lagi?
Tips Merawat Sepeda Motor Honda
Cek Kondisi Oli

Oli mesin ini sangat penting peranannya untuk melumas komponen-komponen mesin, seperti stang saher, saher, dan ring saher, kruk as dan noken as atau stang klep. Oleh karena itu, jika keberadaan minyak pelumas sudah berwarna kehitam-hitaman atau kelenturan daya lumasnya berkurang, maka sebaiknya diganti. Ganti oli secara periodic dan gunakan sesuai dengan rekomendasi Honda yaitu Oli Federal.

Cek Kondisi Aki

Jangan dibiarkan air accu melewati batas maksimum dan minimum yang akibatnya bisa mempercepat kerusakan pada sel-sel accu. Tambahkan aki pada pagi hari.

Selain itu, jika baterei atau accu tersebut sudah melemah secepatnya diganti, sebab jika dipaksakan selain kedua kutub positif dan negatif akan mengeluarkan korosi (serbuk putih), korosi tersebut akan menjalar ke bagian kabel-kabel utama yang menghubungkan arus listrik ke saluran lampu, dinamo, atau bagian-bagian lainnya.

Oleh karena itu, jika terjadi hal itu, arus listrik yang dihantarkan baterei atau accu tidak sempurna dan bisa menyebabkan kerusakan pada komponen dinamo, kontak mesin maupun switch lampu. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan jika accu sudah lemah atau tidak mampu di starter dan distarter, jangan dipaksakan dengan mendorong sepeda motor untuk menghidupkannya. Sebab bisa merusak gigi transmisi.

Periksa Rantai dan Gir

Jangan biarkan rantai terlalu kendor, atau terlalu kencang. Terlalu kendor bisa membuat rantai copot dari girnya, sementara terlalu kencang bisa mengakibatkan putus rantai. Cek juga kondisi gir, jika sudah tajam segera ganti karena jika tidak rantai bisa tiba-tiba putus. Bahaya kan, kalo lagi ngebut tiba-tiba putus rantai?

Periksa Kabel Koil dan Busi

Perhatikan keberadaan kabel koil yang menghubungkan arus listrik ke busi. Jika sudah cukup umur dan sudah terlihat ada retakan dan pengerasan pada kabel tersebut, maka sebaiknya diganti. Juga perhatikan keberadaan busi karena busi sangat vital untuk kelancaran sebuah mesin kendaraan.

Perhatikan Selang Bensin

Komponen lainnya yang perlu diperhatikan selang bensin ke karburator. Jangan membiarkan kondisi selang bensin mengeras atau terjadi retakan-retakan, karena bagian dalam selang bisa jadi sudah tidak elastis yang mengakibatkan serbuk kotoran yang berasal dari selang terbawa ke karburator. Yang pada akhirnya akan terjadi penyumbatan suplai bensin dari tanki ke karburator sehingga mengganggu sistem pembakaran.

Panaskan Mesin 1 Menit

Panaskan mesin sebelum sepeda motor dijalankan, tak perlu lama-ama cukup 1-2 menit. Ini supaya sirkulasi oli bisa melumasi seluruh bagian dalam mesin yang bergerak. Jangan terlalu lama memanaskan karena akan membuat pipa knalpot menguning selain itu pastinya jadi buang-buang bensin.

Periksa tekanan angin ban

Jangan terlalu keras dan juga jangan kurang karena bisa berakibat kembang ban motor rusak.

Gunakan Selalu Sparepart Asli Honda

Lebih baik mahal sedikit, tapi puas dan tahan lama daripada memakai yang tidak asli, meski murah tapi tapi daya tahan kurang.

Ok sobat selamat merawat motor Honda kesayangan, jika langkah-langkah tersebut dilakukan dengan benar, motor kesayangan Anda senatiasa tampil prima
JOGJA: Suzuki New Satria FU 150 tampil dengan wajah dan baju baru. Perubahan tersebut tampak dari desain headlight dan cowling yang lebih sporty. Ukurannya lebih besar dari pendahulunya, begitu juga dengan pancaran cahaya lampunya yang lebih tajam dan terang.

Selain itu, Suzuki mengubah desain spedometer Satria FU dengan tambahan fi tur canggih, Suzuki Drive Mode Switch (SDMS) system dan lampu indikator. “SDMS ini biasanya ada pada motor gede. Ada tiga pilihan tombol mode, sesuai karakter dan selera yang diinginkan pengendara. Normal mode, eco riding mode dan power mode,” jelas Dwi Priyanto Supervisor Suzuki Medan Jaya Group di Jalan Brigjend Katamso 78 Jogja, kepada Harian Jogja, kemarin.

Adanya fitur canggih, lanjur Dwi, memudahkan pengendara mengontrol efisiensi penggunaan bahan bakar pada motor. Selain tambahan pada fitur dan perubahan wajah Satria FU, Suzuki juga menyempurnakan muffl er (knalpot)-nya. Desainnya mengadopsi motor gede. Mesin Satria baru ini menggunakan DOHC twin cam 4 tak, 4 valve dilengkapi pula dengan teknologi Suzuki Advance Cooling System (SACS). Harganya hanya Rp18,5 juta


Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi

Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi 
Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi

Now, you can see photos of Seat IBE Coupe Concept showed at Paris Motor Show. Improvements over the first Seat IBE Concept, which was shown in Geneva earlier this year, include refinements to the design and technology, while the Paris Show car now also sports an interior.

Both exterior and interior are characterised by their focus on key elements, by a clear and precise architecture, by modern technology and by materials that are as high-quality as they are ecological.
Come with measuring in at just 3.83 meters (12.5 ft) in length, it is smaller than Volkswagen’s Scirocco. Utilizing a 75 kw (102 hp) electric drive system, the concept is good for 130 km (81 miles) on a single charge. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h (0 to 60 mph) can be achieved in 9.7 seconds.
While its exterior design has been tweaked with a restyled lower fascia and new LED headlamps and tail lights. Furthermore, the car is now finished in a more eye-catching cherry-red color.

Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi
Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi 

Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi 

Car Seat IBE Concept by Modern Technologi

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Ford Kuga Concept Car

Ford Kuga Concept Car 
Ford Kuga Concept Car
Ford preparing the concept version of Kuga crossover and Escape SUV for next year’s Detroit Motor Show. The new compact-sized crossover model will go into production in the second half of 2012 as a 2013 model.

“The Kuga/Escape successor could hit Deutschland’s showrooms as early as March next year and reach other European markets by the second quarter.” Bernhard Mattes said. He is man in charge of Ford’s German factories.
Moving production to the U.S. is another point on Ford’s agenda. It’s likely that the new car will be manufactured in Louisville, Kentucky, while the German factory in Saarlouis will keep the European production of the new Focus.

Ford Kuga Concept Car
Ford Kuga Concept Car 

Ford Kuga Concept Car 

Ford Kuga Concept Car

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010


Race replica term is linked to nearly every motorcycle manufacturer's liter-class sportbike latest. It's a logical comparison, because of the similarities between the motorcycle you see in the showroom and brothers World superbike racing. But often enough cover in the conversion from the racetrack to the street, a - sometimes quite large. Italian motorcycle manufacturer Aprilia intends to change all that with the introduction of the 2010 Aprilia RSV4R.

It RSV4R baseline superbike next year's lineup. Cost of $ 15.999, it's a superbike for the everyday man, a machine that allows riders to experience the wonder that is the purpose-built 999cc liquid-cooled V-Four engine and GP racing-inspired compact aluminum chassis Rigid, all packed in a beautiful kit, functional aerodynamic body. Motorcycle USA was one of two American magazines were invited to this test on the right track hotrod Valentino Rossi race favorite and beloved Mugello near Florence, Italy, to see if the Italian to success ...


Aesthetically there is no doubt the bike for anything from Japan or elsewhere for that matter. As always, Aprilia designers continue to push the boundaries of motorcycle design by creating a futuristic, modern, balanced character adept at luring the smallest possible hole through the air at high speed. It is really designed to ensure synergy between form and function.

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010



Beginning with the 2011 MotoGP season, will be the AMG logo on the body of Ducati Marlboro Team riders and bikes "to see leather suits of Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden.

Since the partnership was the 18th officer in Los Angeles in November announced sponsorship of the Ducati MotoGP AMG has a profile even higher.

This is further evidence of enthusiasm and constructive collaboration between high-performing companies in Italy and is Affalterbach number one name in motorcycling.

Hello Källenius, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH, Gabriele Del Torchio and President and CEO of Ducati Motor Holding, announced the news Monday at a press conference at the Ducati Museum on the eve of the opening of the Bologna Motor Show.

Hello Källenius says: "After the official launch of our partnership during the auto show in Los Angeles, I am very happy and proud, I am here in Italy, the Ducati Museum in Bologna, the first concrete development in this strategic cooperation between advertising and Ducati AMG. "

"From next season the AMG will make its debut at the World Cup as a sponsor on the bikes and clothes to race with the Ducati Marlboro Team factory riders. AMG and Ducati are perfect partners, both on track and on the road, as both companies share the same values. "

"Defining the main message of the two companies is an expression of our innate passion for racing, high performance and exclusivity. This long-term partnerships that are able to create innovative opportunities for customers is that we have in common.

Gabriele Del Torchio (President and CEO of Ducati Motor Holding SpA) says: "We are really pleased to have formed this partnership with AMG, a company that has shares in all aspects of the values we believe in, such as high-performance, fair play , finesse and style and distinctive design. "

"The decision to make the connection between us even more prestigious by the AMG logo in the body of our bikes and suits our drivers' emphasizes the harmony that exists between our two companies. This is a prestigious partnership to complement our other sponsors, MotoGP, Phillip Morris, Generali, Enel and TIM. "

Besides promoting the MotoGP team and the renewal of the company's fleet based in Bologna, cars and commercial vehicles include the partnership between AMG and Ducati will be a series of joint marketing initiatives.

For example, at the Bologna Motor Show, the new Ducati Superbike Diavel and 1198 SP model on display at Mercedes-AMG to be the area, making it even more special by providing an additional cause for bike fans at the IAA and the Mercedes-Benz stand visit .

Several other initiatives are currently being finalized and will soon be presented to the public. With exclusive events and in the AMG Driving Academy, is enthusiasts can test ride Ducati range, when you can, the thrill of driving high-performance AMG at events like the experience of Ducati Ducati Riding Experience.

There are also a number of joint events to bring members of the AMG Private Lounge, which are currently more than 13,000 customers worldwide AMG.

The two companies are also working on other marketing activities and strategies that are willing to reveal in the near future.

AMG and Ducati racing, high performance, exclusivity


Bicycles with high performance engines design, advanced technology and innovative Desmodromic: Founded in 1926, Ducati motorcycles built with a sporty character since 1946. The Ducati motorcycle range comprises different market segments, with different specifications and designs tailored to different drivers.

These include the Superbike, Desmosedici RR, Street Fighter, Monster, Multistrada, Hypermotard and Diavel again. true icons of Italian style, Ducati motorcycles in 86 countries around the world are sold - with the highest sales in Europe, North America and Japanese markets.

Ducati is involved in both the World Superbike Championship, and (with a factory team) in the MotoGP World Championship.

The Italian manufacturer won the past 20 Super Bike Manufacturers World Championship titles as well as ensuring the Knights of the World Championship of thirteen sixteen times. Among the leaders since his MotoGP debut in 2003, Ducati won both the manufacturers and the Knights title at the end of the 2007 season.

an image in perfect harmony with the AMG - the manufacturer of Bologna achieved worldwide fame and a name that is synonymous with high performance and advanced technology, the success of the race and original design.



In the presence of the weekend prestigious Motor Show Bologna last one Repsol Honda MotoGP Team Andrea Dovizioso.

If the 2010 Bologna Motor Show opens its doors to the public on Saturday, Dovizioso was greeting fans on the site for the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport. Dovi spoke to the press about the upcoming season of MotoGP.

For 2011, the Italian 24-years on the Repsol Honda RC212V Dani Pedrosa and compete alongside Casey Stoner newcomer joins the HRC (the seat Ducati team was completed by nine times world champion Valentino Rossi).

Andrea Dovizioso (HRC MotoGP) said: "The 2011 season promises to be an uncertain, but are fantastic, many of us compete for the title and our Honda is the leading bicycle to be covered .."

"We have already shown their strength this year and now the engineers are working hard to improve it in my head MotoGP is packed with talent, so ultimately it is the concept of race -.. including concentration - makes difference. "

Later in the Bologna Motor Show, Dovizioso also be discussed teammate Pedrosa, the only one capable of a great title for 2010 MotoGP Fiat Yamaha rider Jorge Lorenzo take wounded, but in the end, and the newcomer Stoner.

Andrea Dovizioso said: "Dani and I speak occasionally to the motor home and sometimes we have breakfast together, it is very reserved, but it is a good guy and I respect Casey is an incredible talent .. ".

"When you see him on the track you feel, because it goes so much intimidated. But it is incompatible, or at least he saw on a Ducati, a special type of bike was. He has not won more, or he fell. Time as he leads with Honda. "

Dovi were also those who question the front-runner for 2011 MotoGP.

Andrea Dovizioso said: ..? "You know, Jorge (Lorenzo) is not my favorite, because we ran into the lower grades, but this year he dominated and deserved what he earned and if Rossi was not injured, who knows ?

"But something has changed at a psychological level, something for everyone. I remain convinced that Jorge would have won the championship anyway. And in 2011, it is apparently in pole position. "

And of course, he weighed in the legendary Valentino Rossi, the Italian, who is a challenge both on and off the runway.



The 35th edition of the Bologna Motor Show (Internationale Automobil Ausstellung), LCR Honda MotoGP Team Manager Lucio Cecchinello and some members of the large motor sports have a special talk show with the new LGS Sports Lab (the company aims related organized to offer innovative services to the world of sport).

Unlike the first 125 riders in the MotoGP class, full-time team manager in 2004, is the doctor Claudio Costa (former Chief Orthopedic Rizzoli Hospital in Bologna, founder of the Mobile Clinic and Doctor of nine-time world champion Valentino Rossi) and Franco Hooks (former MotoGP rider and Security Commission in charge) have demonstrated the discussion attended together with Dipl.-Ing. Mazzola (Ferrari F1 consultant), Thomas Biagi (Formula 3000) and the lawyer Italo Giorgio Minguzzi (former high school teacher, lawyer and a big fan of sports and competitions).

Genial organized by RAI TV commentator Fabrizio Binacchi the meeting included not only the MotoGP riders experience and talent, but the human aspect and the emotion. And, above all, the delicate transition period between the end of the careers of pilots' and the simple life of every day.

Support to the athletes in this important moment is the main objective of LGS Sports Lab, founded by Mrs. Lorenza Guerra Seràgnoli who was very impressed by, ideas and suggestions from customers experiences that will be an additional feedback for their innovative project impressed. Passion, competition, sacrifice, disappointment, injury, leadership, coaching, etc. .. some of the main topics during the talk show and Dr. Costa are discussed Franco Uncini and Lucio Cecchinello offered their personal stories.

Dr. Costa said: "Sport is like a training ground for life" from the values that you get from him and the many ways in which the comparison with the variety, the encounter with the efforts, the happiness of victory and the disappointment of defeat . All these elements form the personalities of the athletes for the rest of their lives in the best way to deal with. "

Doctor Minguzzi said, "I'm happy because I had the opportunity to work with many riders Loris Reggiani Cecchinello and I can say that the athletes are very strong and very sensitive at the same time, if you have a consultant for a wish. You must first sportman to be his friend. "

"These people live a special life and follow their dreams as a child. As a consultant, is always a pleasure for me to join them at the beginning of their careers share their successes with them, work their way to the end of racing ".

Lucio Cecchinello said. "Self-respect, sacrifice and willpower are the values linked to an athlete and represent a personal possession, which is essential for the future, Franco I was very sad when I retired from competitive racing, because I face a different way of life after 15 years on the bike. "

"Now I have a new incentive, because my experience for the young rider as a team manager and in the meantime I have a chance, with the main organizers (FIM, MSMA and Dorna), able to transfer my little support for the exciting sport cooperation ".

Franco Uncini, said: "Getting injured is a mosaic of break it needs time and patience to assemble the parts again and if it happened to me in '82 I was lucky when Dr. Costa was on my side .. "

"A pilot without competition is like a fish out of water. It 's very difficult to build a new life from racing and I think that sport has to offer LGS Laboratory of great help to these athletes."


Ribuan jalan telah kita lewati
Berbagai rintangan telah kita lalui
Penuh wewangian bunga maupun bertabur duri
Penuh suka maupun duka di hati

Semua bukanlah sekedar kenangn
Semua bukanlah sekedar renungan
Saat kita dalam kebersamaan
Dalam suka maupun pengorbanan

Namun, kita tlah tahu
Kita tak selamanya bersatu
Menempuh jalan hidup yang bertabur debu
Bertabur dedaunan yang tak pernah tersapu

Saat berpisah harus menyapa
Ku tak ingin kau teteskan air mata
Ku tak ingin kau berduka
Karena hati kita kan tetap bersama

Sahabatku tercinta!!
Inilah hidup
Kadang kita membuka
Suatu saat kita kan menutup

Sahabatku tercinta!!
Ku ingin kita kembali bersama
Di saat harta tak lagi berguna
Di saat cinta menjadi satu-satunya pembela


first,,you laugh with me ..
first,,you cried with me ..
I laugh without you,,
My crying without you,,

I see you lying stiff in front of me,,
without a smile, and without hope ..

always warm with you,
now seemed cool with you,,

my love has gone ..


Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Good Car Good Girl




2011 Camaro SS X and Corvette Z06X

Dodge may be having all the fun crafting race-ready versions of its Viper, but the designers and enthusiasts employed at General Motors want to remind you they’re not incapable of building some serious race machinery themselves. Witness the Chevrolet Corvette Z06X and Camaro SS X concepts: built in partnership with Pratt & Miller for the 2010 SEMA show, these two show stoppers are GM’s vision of the ultimate track machines.

It’s hard to find fault with the basic premise of a Corvette Z06, but designers simply took the best of the production car while adding features to help it ’round a road course. The Z06X concept is built upon a production 2011 Z06 fitted with both the vaulted Z07 performance package and the CFZ Carbon Fiber option group.

From there, GM added a low-restriction air intake, along with a heavy-duty radiator and an improved cooling system. Engineers also tinkered with the suspension setup, adding mono-ball control arm bushings, adjustable stabilizer bars, and coil-over struts with adjustable camber plates. Brembo carbon-ceramic brake rotors are part of the stock Z07 package, but lightweight racing wheels, finished in a dark hue and capped with Michelin racing rubber, are unique to the Z06X.

That black finish ties well with the Z06X’s exterior design. Although all body parts are essentially stock, GM painted the car in a Icy White Metallic color, adding a black racing stripe and rear fascia, along with red accents. Inside, the Z06X’s interior is gutted of interior trim and insulation, allowing the installation of an SCCA-approved roll cage, fire suppression system, a racing seat for the driver, and a five-point harness. To help further strip the car of weight, the rear hatch glass has been replaced with a custom polycarbonate window.

2011 Camaro SS X Concept
Chevrolet’s Camaro SS X concept abides by the same formula applied to the Z06X, although a few extra modifications were required to help turn the bulky muscle machine into a satisfying road racer.

Outside, the SS X shares the Z06X’s design theme, sporting the same black-on-white paint scheme as its fiberglass-bodied relative. In a move to strip weight, GM replaced the hood, fenders, doors, and deck lid with panels fabricated from carbon fiber. For aerodynamic purposes, a carbon fiber front splitter, rocker panels, and adjustable rear wing were also added to the package.

Underhood, the SS X retains the Camaro’s stock 6.2-liter LS3 V-8, although it’s been massaged with a new camshaft, revised cylinder heads, and a dry-sump oil system. The six-speed transmission is stock Getrag fare, although it is fitted with a twin-disc clutch raided from the Corvette ZR1 parts bin. 20-inch wheels and racing tires are added, and are stopped courtesy of an upgraded four-wheel-brake system, which includes six-piston front calipers, four-piston rear calipers, and slotted rotors at each corner.

As is the case with the Z06X, the Camaro SS X’s interior isn’t exactly conducive for commuting. Carpeting, insulation, interior trim, and other parts — including the rear seat — have been gutted to shave weight and make room for some serious racing hardware. An SCCA-spec roll cage, window net, race seat, and five-point harness are added, along with racing pedals, a fire suppression system, and fuel cell.

Peugeot EX1 concept
On the eve of the of the Paris Motor Show, Peugeot held a private viewing of the EX1 Concept Car at its premier showroom on the Champs Elysees in Paris. The EX1 represents one of Peugeot’s celebrations of 200 years of business, along with the company’s new corporate mantra, “Motion and Emotion”. The EX1 concept proves that an electric powered car does not need to be only a neighbourhood local commuter car, but also an exciting, efficient, and high speed mode of transport.

Its name stands for: E = Electric, X = across four wheels, and 1 = the No. 1 vehicle of its type. The front of the car is charged with smoothing the airflow over its tapered rear half, which reflects the more mechanical attributes of the EX1. In truth, Peugeot introduced similar conceptual architectural layouts in their Asphalt concept from 1996 and the 2006 20Cup Concept.

All of these concepts feature a very narrow rear track, primarily for improved aerodynamics, handling and efficient, minimal packaging. The most significant evolution of this third generation of narrow rear track concepts from Peugeot are is its pair of electric motors, each providing power to either the front or rear wheels.

“The new Peugeot DNA is Motion and Emotion. This is all about efficiency,” explained Gilles Vidal, Peugeot Director of Design. “In the design department at Peugeot, we are pushing towards the reality that ‘electric’ is all about an emotional experience of getting out of the city, and having an exciting time driving”.

The inside tack is that its DRG is a strong hint towards the upcoming 208 supermini’s face. Aside from this, the concept seems to sit slightly ill at ease with Peugeot’s move away from what it describes as a ‘hyper-sporty’ aesthetic. While, after 14 years of similar concepts, there still seems little chance that the company will every commit one to production.

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning

Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning 
Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning

The 458 Challenge boasts a host of upgrades over its road-legal sibling to make it race worthy when it hits the grid in Ferrari’s one-make race series from 2011. The Ferrari 458 Challenge will make world premiere at the 35th edition of the Bologna Motor Show in Italy, which runs for the public from December 4 to 12.

Ferrari is also displaying a variety of other racing models from the past and present at its Bologna Motor Show stand, including a 430 GTC owned by the AF Corse team Ferrari and an F1 model.
Ferrari’s engineers have made modifications to the gear ratios and calibration of its dual-clutch F1 gearbox to further improve torque at lower revs. While the Challenge keeps the 458 Italia’s direct injection 4.5-liter V8 with an output of 570 hp at 9,000 rpm intact.

Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning 
 Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning
Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning 
Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning  
The Ferrari 458 Challenge is equipped with the E-Diff electronic differential already employed on the road-going version, a first for Ferrari’s track-only cars. Another first for a Ferrari Challenge model is the adoption of the firm’s F1-Trac traction control system. The race-spec model also gets a specific suspension set-up with steel uniball joints, stiffer springs, single-rate alloy dampers and a ride height lowered by 50mm all round.
Stopping power is provided by the new generation Brembo CCM2 brakes integrated with the latest ABS system which debuted on the 599XX, Ferrari’s experimental laboratory car, while it rides on centre-nut 19-inch forged rims wrapped in larger dimension Pirelli slicks.
Result of combined is the improvement of the car’s lap time at Fiorano by two seconds over that of its predecessor, resulting in a new record of just 1’16.5”. According to the Italian company, the amount of lateral grip the new car generates is 1.6G. Read also about this car’s detail at previous post..

Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning
Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning 

Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning 

Ferrari 458 Challenge Car Tuning

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010



While seven years have passed since Kawasaki introduced its first modern superbike quart size, it seems that some years that the tracks ZX-10R
first success and roads -. explore even more difficult, especially in light of the rapid product development in the wars of liter bike - is that the new-2011 Kawasaki ZX-10R 2004 is the first ground up redesign of the master murderer since the introduction of the ZX. This iteration of Zed-X was such a reshuffle Go 'Round, while the introduction of 2011-model latest news in the hilly trail race at Road Atlanta in Braselton, Ga., Kawasaki, Karl Edmondson warned media engine to forget "previous ZX-10R ZX-10R models '2011: .. Most Kick-Ass Ninja to date the revival of the ZX-10R, 10R engine powered by a completely new engine produces up to 170 hp at the wheel from top to bottom, a new 10R. touched almost nothing more the only thing retained from the previous 10R bore and stroke.Check-in-chief Ed Duke comprehensive technical overview for more information. Cast iron camshafts are now in place CrMo steel. A soft-nitriding treatment reduces new Kawi revised camshafts distraction (a "untruing" if you will, the linearity of the cam) for hardening the metal up to 30-40% depending on the Kawi. A motion generally used to increase the peak power - the cam and valve overlap can be increased as part of the update.


Houses Modification to modify the total German PPI Automotive Audi R8 V10 to produce performance and special appearances. The more exclusive because the car is named PPI Razor GTR-10 was produced limited.

R8 exterior look sharper thanks to the package body kit, including front bumper, side skirts, rear fenders, rear bumper, rear spoiler and diffuser. Lined hood carbon fiber material and air intake hole. Including the back-coated carbon fiber.
In fact, such as doors, roof pillars, side skirts and front bumper made of genuine carbon fiber. The use of this material can contribute up to 250 kg weight reduction.

The use of carbon fiber also spread up into the cabin. Look at the handbrake lever, door protector panel, some of the dashboard, door trim and center console. The chair also thanks to the use of lightweight carbon fiber.

Automatic, weight reduction also contributed to improved performance. Standard V10 engine has been improved strength to 601 PS (previously 525 PS) and peak torque of 565 Nm (previously 529 Nm). With modifications to the R-Tronic transmission, the ability to accelerate from 0-100 lm / hour getting cut, from 3.9 seconds to 3.2 seconds. Maximum speed is also increased from 315 km / h to 335 km / hour.

Forward the overflow of energy to the highway, four-wheel mounted MAG11 PPI aluminum alloy wheels measuring 9x19 inches in front and 12x20 inches in the rear. Velg wrapped in Michelin Pilot Sport 2, 245/35 19 (front) and 325/25 20 (rear)

MODIFIIKASI Mastretta MXT | Mobil Super Ramah di Kantong

If so far only developed countries like America, Italy, Germany or Japan are able to make a super car, a third world country of Mexico to prove themselves they can also do it.

Mastretta which is an automotive company of Mexico just shows their supercar that will soon be marketed to the public world that is MXT in the event the Paris Motor Show which is still ongoing.

Even for salaries of workers in Mexico is lower than the salaries of workers in developed countries before, then the selling price of a super car Mastretta MXT was so much cheaper when compared with the price of super cars made in a Ferrari or Lamborghini.

Because Mastretta MXT has exterior design with a clear line of curvature is estimated to be worth only U.S. $ 50,000 to $ 60,000 or approximately Rp 445 million to Rp 534 million alone.

This car actually been developed since 2006 and has been shown in prototype form at the British Motorshow in London in 2008. At that time, Mastretta MXT intend to market starting in 2009. But because the economic situation does not allow the time to market this car back one year.

But what makes this Mexican super car special? It turned out that despite coming from third world countries, the ability Mastretta MXT is not inferior to supercars from developed countries.

Armed with the light weight is only about 900 kg, Mastretta MXT capable of accelerating from 0 to 100 km per hour in just 4.9 seconds only. This capability they can thanks to a capacity of 2.0 liter Duratec engine with 4-cylinder that is equipped with a turbocharger.

The machine is equipped with MTX-75 transmission 5-speed manual is capable of removing the peak power to 250 hp with 340 Nm of torque and can run up to the speed of 230 km per hour.

The plan even though derived from the American continent, a new Mastretta MXT will market in Europe first before they set foot in the United States. The target Mastretta MXT able to sell up to 150 units per year, with long-term goal to be 500 units.

New Spoon Honda CR-Z

With the additional spare part from Mugen, and other additional modifikator Trifecta has released
Some changes are visible in the picture: Velg, caliper, shock breaker, ECU and exhaust.

New Modification Mazda RX8 2004

This is a picture of Mazda rx8 modifiikasi made in 2004 with a stylish sports cars and racing modifications. dominated by red paint. make an impression this car into a car that is tough on the field of racing. below is the specification of the modificationMazda rx8 2004.

Modified Mazda RX8 2004 Pictures
specification mazda modified RX 8 2004
*engine modified, rp supercat, greddy sp2 exhaust, racing beat intake system, ap pulley, custom harmon and kardon drive and play setup.
*suspension,tein s tech springs, pettit racing anti-sway bar.
*aloy wheels, axis matrix 19×8 +35 offset
*exterior modified, autobahn front, kenstyle sides and rear, ings +1 spoiler, complete debadge, kei office eyelids, clear corners, rear rotary accent, fender strakes, vleds 6000k hid kit, vleds high output side markers and parking lights, autotechnica grille, tint.
*interior modified, custom interior lighting, custom sub enclosure with two 10″ memphis m class subs.